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Patrick Folsche


  • Post Academic Specialization Insurance Law, Eggens Instituut
  • Post Academic Specialization Tenancy Law, VHA/OSR
  • Post Academic Dutch Bar Association Vocational Studies
  • Master International and European Law, Radboud University and Universidad Pontificia Comillas


  • Chairman Complaints Committee undesirable behavior Christian Education Group
  • Guest lecturer at Tilburg University
  • Attorney Huurteam Utrecht

As the son of enterprising parents, I inherited an independent spirit through my upbringing. This includes, perhaps paradoxically, knowing when not to do something yourself. The right advice at the right time is invaluable.

I keep that in mind in my legal profession. Wherever possible, I do not exclude my clients from their case but include them in the process. This means that I provide them with well-founded advice on the basis of which they can make a decision that suits their situation.

I also like to share my knowledge as a university guest lecturer and speaker at conferences. In the latter capacity, I often face the challenge of enthusing laymen for legal issues.

For the rest, I also act as chairman of the Complaints Committee for undesirable behavior for the Christian Education Group. In this position, I contribute to a safe and healthy working environment for students and employees of COG.

Avant Advocaten is the collective name of the independent companies CoC 74147501 and CoC 71857052. An assignment is accepted by one of the aforementioned (legal) persons. Our firm does not have an escrow account.

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